"Prisons are my priority": the Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio said in response to a question from reporters on the

priorities to be addressed

at the Roma Tre University for the presentation of the calendar of the prison police.

The minister then entered the lecture hall of the Faculty of Law, the head of the Dap Carlo Renoldi was also at the event.

“My first external visit will be to prisons, 2 or 3 particularly difficult institutions.

It must be a sign of my attention to the problem of prisons ". Says the Keeper." Thanks to my colleague Carlo Renoldi, head of the Dap, who was a valid collaborator of the Minister Cartabia - he adds - my debut in the service of the State took place in 1977 as magistrate and I know the prison environment well.

I am a guarantor - he continues - and this means applying the Latin principle of Roman law, guaranteeing as much as possible the presumption of innocence but also the certainty of the penalty.

But this does not mean a cruel punishment, but one that must improve the conditions of the condemned person, avoid making him a worse person.

We will try to strengthen the economic resources - he promises - because it requires preparation but also an economic recognition of your work.

We will work hard for this at the ministry ", concludes Nordio. Yesterday Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni also spoke on the subject of prisons:" Overcrowding cannot be fought by decriminalizing "but by increasing space.

On the activity that awaits him as minister Nordio, in a note, he stressed that there are no problems about age.

"Yesterday I heard in the Senate a complaint about the average age of the members of the government. In fact, I do not think that wisdom coincides with old age - observed the minister - because a person at 40, as Marcus Aurelius said, has seen all this. that is, what has been and what will be. I remember, however, that the young Napoleon was defeated in Russia by Kutuzov, at Waterloo by von Blücher, who were twice his age and that

Churchill celebrated the victory over Hitler at the age that I am. now


Among the interventions scheduled is that on the

crime of abuse of office.

"It is a problem that will be addressed in a

thorough parliamentary discussion

", explains the minister in a statement to the newspaper 'Il Dubbio', thus confirming the intention to convene the local administrators in order to follow up on their request for protection." The revision or abolition of the crime of abuse, which paralyzes the administration, has been requested for years by all the mayors, and I see with satisfaction that even the mayor of Milan agrees on this need ", says Nordio, also about the words with which Giuseppe Sala had accepted the hypothesis of changing the "In any case, the problem", the minister specifies, must "be addressed in an accurate parliamentary discussion, with the support of statistics between investigations initiated and sentences imposed".